Author: Christopher Moss
Format: Kindle eBook
Release Date: 04-06-2019
The ultimate anxiety collection is four best selling books into one.
It's Hope over Anxiety, Freedom over Anxiety, Power over Anxiety and Fearless Confidence.
It's your one stop shop to inspire you to break free of anxiety.
My name is Christopher Moss and I have suffered with anxiety for over 30 years. Beginning when I lost my brother to cancer when he was just 20 months old. Coming to a head four years ago when I was a victim of an armed robbery. Where I reached the point that I wanted to end my life to stop the pain and suffering.
My thirty years of pain will inspire you that you too can break free.
All four books are simple and easy to action steps. Jargon free. I put all my experience and knowledge into them and it has made a massive difference to thousands of others.
Its packed full of value.
You will learn so much from every page. It will change your life.
Dare you try?
Languages: English