You Can Be Thin

You Can Be Thin

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The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting...Forever

Marisa Peer introduces her revolutionary method of reprogramming the brain to alter feelings and associations related to food, to enable everybody to have a healthy relationship with it and, as a result, have a healthy body at a sustained ideal weight.

With its refreshing and empowering style, YOU CAN BE THIN works on many levels by using techniques including fun and powerfully affecting exercises, subtle repetition and straightforward questionnaires to break negative patterns and banish cravings. An effortless process, the reader's progress through the book is a hypnotherapy treatment in itself. Addressing habitual eaters, emotional eaters, addicted and ignorant eaters, the cure, which is not to be found anywhere else, lies in the process of reading the book.

Author: Marisa Peer

Edition: 1

Format: Kindle eBook

Number Of Pages: 224

Publisher: Sphere

Release Date: 05-08-2010

Languages: English